Prayer Request Form


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Prayer Requests

  • hqZni AlVKQBe zBX bmM gWUEoA iCO
  • Prayer for Andrew Pick Prayer for romans 12 19 over me for protection from my enemies antagonist and spiritual enemies also restore everything stolen from me spiritual and physical god to block them permanently also Healing from fatigue stress always feel tired and healing from depression bipolar disorder and God to give me spiritual happiness and draw close to me and feel God's presence
  • Please send prayers as I'm a 40 year old Divorced Dad(Jordan Lee Vira) with 3 children(Kylen, Kayden & Kamryn-Lee Vira)Ages 17, 14 and 5. Working part-time and struggling to stay afloat with food and trying to survive in a Weekly/Monthly Suite but choosing to look beyond the veil and welcome Spiritual Abundance and Spiritual Wealth in every area of our lives especially for our homeless living situation. Thank you LAS VEGAS, NEVADA USA
  • Please pray for a speedy recovery for my wife Sue. She had a lung operation and is on the road to recovery. Thank you brother knights.
  • Andrew Creagh, age 81, passed away on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at Froedtert South Pleasant Prairie Hospital, with his loving family by his side. Born in Chicago, IL on February 20, 1942, to the late Andrew and Ann (Cacioppo) Creagh. Andrew was a West Point Graduate and proudly served his country in the United States Army. He was employed as a police officer with the City of Chicago for 32 years. I spent tours of duty in 018 and on side jobs, with Andy. He was a great mentor. Rest In Peace.
  • Michael L. Bono - May he Rest In Peace March 13, 2022
  • St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.